Best Springtime Destinations in Italy * Italia Living
Spring is nearly upon us and Italy beckons us once again. With its historic cities, outdoor cafè life, relaxing white beaches and scenic gardens and villas, Italy has more travel options than you can shake a gelato at. And spring is the perfect time to go.
Imagine plunging underwater and seeing paved roads flanked with buildings, magnificent villas, dozens of statues and mosaic floors dating back to the first century BC!
Baia's Underwater Archaeological Park is located in the Bay of Naples off the shores of Pozzuoli.
The ancient Roman city of Baia was once a renowned resort for the empire's rich and famous. The city was well known for its hot springs and its Bohemiam status.
Most of Baia now lies underwater due to a unique phenomenon known as Bradyseism, which causes the gradual rise and fall of the Earth's surface.
But you don't need to be an expert diver to escape into this ancient city! These ruins actually lie in relatively shallow water at an average depth of 6 m. So you can see some of these amazing structures from a glass bottomed boat!